This page is primarily intended to signpost any notable software or tools I’ve developed. Not all of these are actively maintained, but I do generally accept issues or pull requests on any projects that aren’t broken beyond all repair.
- deadbeef_GSFdecoder – A decoder plugin for the DeaDBeeF media player for playing the GSF Gameboy Advanced music format.
- Galactic Navigator – A tool to assist in navigating the galaxy in No Man’s Sky, allowing you to find portal coordinates and preview where they appear on the galactic map.
- Tiny Glade Daily Archiver – Command line tool/service to archive the current Tiny Glade daily theme.
- TerrariaServerWrapper – A simple wrapper for launching a Terraria Server, which automatically injects auto- and exit-saving commands.
- Harry Potter Tools – A collection of basic reverse-engineered tools for the Harry Potter PSX games.
- oomox-wal – Automatically generate oomox themes based on your pywal colour scheme.
Toy Projects
Whilst the list above is primarily practical, here are a few “toy” projects that I’m particularly proud of.
- The Universal Library – Inspired by, this aims to (provably) generate every possible 1048576 character book in a seemingly-random, but searchable, way.
- genetic_gpu_draw – Redraw an image as a bunch of random coloured triangles. Now with GPU acceleration via OpenGL!
- Sudoku Solver – A brute-force recursive sudoku solver, written in Haskell.
- Wordle Solver – An implementation of Wordle and a solver, written in Haskell.
- Spellbook Maker – Procedurally-generated spellbook sprites.